List of superhuman features and abilities in fiction

Many forms of fiction feature characters attributed with superhuman, supernatural, or paranormal abilities, often referred to as "superpowers" (also spelled "super powers" and "super-powers") or "powers". This tradition is especially rich in the fictional universes of various comic book stories. This is a list of many of those powers that have been known to be used. Some of these categories overlap.



Examples of ways in which a character has the ability to generate an effect.

Type Examples See also
Inhuman nature Homo mermanus; Kryptonians;[1] Shinigami
The character belongs to a class of wholly or partially non-human beings for whom superhuman capabilities are typical. This includes, but is not limited to, characters who are aliens, demons, gods or hybrids.
Object-based powers Iron Man's armor; Green Lantern's power ring;[2] Sauron's One Ring List of objects in the DC Universe
Powers derived from objects (also known as artifacts), such as armor, jewelry, weapons, and wands.
Mutation X-Men;[3] Captain Comet;[4] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant (fictional)
These powers are a direct result of some form of either induced evolution or natural selection, usually manifested during adolescent puberty when other mental and bodily adaptations take place.


Examples of methods by which a character generates an effect.

Type Examples See also
Energy sourcing Nexus;[5] Ray;[6] Apollo[7]
Ability to draw power from large or small but abundant sources of energy, such as turning kinetic energy into physical blasts or converting solar energy into other forms. Sometimes based on proximity to source, sometimes stored for future use.
Chi Iron Fist;[8] Krillin[9] Qi
Many characters who train in martial arts gain superhuman capabilities by learning to harness chi or some form of life energy. This type of method generally provides extraordinary strength, speed, durability and reflexes. Also often used for superhuman awareness, energy blasts, elemental powers and sometimes invulnerability.
Magical powers Supernatural: Doctor Strange;[10] Doctor Fate;[11] Ganon
Pseudo-supernatural: Mister Mxyzptlk;[12][13] Impossible Man;[14] Wizardmon
Magic in fiction
This is the ability to use magical forces to varying degrees. Often used to simulate other powers, such as mind control and elemental attacks. Not all "magical" superpowers are actually supernatural, but are based on alternative or futuristic "science".[15] For instance, Moon Knight's strength, endurance and reflexes are enhanced depending upon the phases of the moon.[16] Uncle Sam has his powers in proportion to the people's belief in the ideals of America.[17]
Technopathy Black Box;[18] Cyborg Superman;[19] Drummer;[20] Micah Sanders
Ability to manipulate technology. Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows for mental interface with computer data.
Telekinesis Jean Grey; Maxima;[21] Battalion; Billie Jenkins; Sylar Psychokinesis
Ability to manipulate and control objects with the mind, often in ways not visible to the naked eye.


Superpower interaction

This section refers to the ability to manipulate or otherwise interact with superpowers themselves, not "power" such as electrical power or gravitational power.

Type Examples
Power augmentation Fabian Cortez; Ando Masahashi
Ability to enhance or weaken the powers of others.
Power bestowal Sage;[22] Synergy[23]
Ability to bestow powers or jump-start latent powers.
Power mimicry or absorption Rogue;[24] Black Alice; Kakashi Hatake;[25] Peter Petrelli
Ability to copy or absorb another's powers or skills.
Power negation Leech;[26]Scrambler[27]
Ability to cancel the superpowers of others.
Power sensing Caliban;[28] Nemesis Kid
Ability to sense or recognize superhuman powers.

Personal physical powers

Powers which affect an individual's body.

Type Examples See also
Accelerated healing Wolverine;[29] Lobo;[30] Alexander Anderson; Claire Bennet Healing factor
Regeneration (biology)
Regeneration (Doctor Who)
Ability to heal rapidly from any injury; the rate of recovery varies from character to character. Can sometimes result in the slowing of aging.
Acid generation Anarchist;[31] Man-Thing;[32] Reptile
Ability to generate acid, can be manifested through touch or as a spray.
Animal mimicry Animal Man;[33] Vixen[34][35]
Ability to take on the abilities of certain animals.
Biological manipulation Elixir;[36] Shawn Farrell
Ability to control all aspects of a living creature's biological make-up. This includes, but is not limited to, genetic alterations, physical distortion/augmentations, healing, disease, and biological functions.
Body part substitution Terror;[37]
Ability to replace one's limbs or other body parts with those of another.
Bone manipulation Marrow;[38] Spike[39]
Ability to manipulate the bones in one's own body. This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging one's own bones.
Duplication (physical) Jamie Madrox;[40] Multiplex; Naruto Uzumaki[41] Self-replication
Molecular cloning
Ability to create physical duplicates of oneself.
Duplication (temporal) Flashback;[42] Damian Tryp[43]
Ability to bring past and future versions of oneself back to the present.
Echolocation Daredevil;[44] Man-Bat[45] Human echolocation
Ability to determine location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound. Also known as sonar or radar sense.
Invisibility Invisible Woman;[46] Invisible Kid;[47] Mew;[48] Invisibility
Ability to render the user unseen to the naked eye.
Invulnerability Emery Schaub;[49] Supergirl;[50] Brit;[51] Doc Strange[52]
Ability to be immune to one or more forms of physical damage.
Kinetic absorption Strong Guy;[53] Sebastian Shaw[54]
Ability to absorb forms of kinetic energy into oneself and utilize it in some way, such as by converting it into physical strength or using it to power energy blasts.
Matter ingestion Matter-Eater Lad[55]
Ability to consume any sort of matter without any ill effects on the user.
Merging Kleinstocks;[56] B'wana Beast;[57] Trunks[58][59]
Ability to temporarily merge two beings into a single being, which results in a completely new and stronger being.
Pheromone manipulation Wallflower;[60] Crimson Fox;[61]
Ability to generate and control pheromones which may have various effects.
Poison generation Cobra;[62] Poison Ivy;[63] Maya Herrera
Ability to assault others with one or more varieties of toxins, with widely disparate effects.
Prehensile/animated hair Medusa; Spider Girl[64]
Ability to animate and lengthen one's hair.
Reactive adaptation/evolution Lifeguard;[65] Doomsday
Ability to develop a resistance or immunity to whatever they were injured by or exposed to. This effect can be permanent or temporary.
Self-detonation or explosion and reformation Nitro;[66] Damage[67]
Ability to explode one's body mass and reform.
Sonic scream Banshee;[68] Black Canary[69]
Ability to generate vocal sounds of a higher amplitude than a normal human.
Superhuman breath Awesome Android;[70] Superman;[71] Kirby
Ability to inhale/exhale with superhumanly powerful strength. This can range from exhalation on par with gale force winds to inhalation on par with the power of a gravitational vortex. In some cases, freezing temperatures can also be achieved.
Superhuman durability Luke Cage;[72] Solomon Grundy;[73] Tick;[74] Yasutora Sado
Ability to have a higher resistance to one or more forms of damage before being injured.
Superhuman reflexes Blade; Midnighter; Son Gohan[75]
Ability to react faster than a normal human.
Superhuman senses Beast;[76] Icon; Tarzan;
Ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal human.
Superhuman strength Hulk;[77] Blok;[78] Mister Majestic;[79] Sakura Haruno;[80] Niki Sanders Superhuman strength
Strength level
Ability to have a level of physical strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions.
Superhuman vision Superman; Doctor Nemesis[81]
Ability to see better than normally possible.
1. Night vision Owl;[82] Doctor Mid-Nite[83] Night vision
Ability to see clearly in darkness.
2. X-ray vision Peepers; Ariella Kent X-ray vision
Ability to see through solid matter.
3. Telescopic or microscopic vision Hyperion; Lar Gand[84]
Ability to magnify vision to various levels.
Wallcrawling Spider-Man; Knuckles the Echidna[85]
Ability to adhere to solid surfaces.
Waterbreathing Namor; Aquaman[86] Water breathing
Liquid breathing
Ability to respirate through water in lieu of a gaseous medium. Not to be confused with an ability to go without breathing or to be able to breathe an alternative air supply.

Mentality-based abilities

Type Examples See also
Ecological empathy Storm; Swamp Thing[87]
The ability to sense the overall well-being and conditions of one's immediate environment and natural setting stemming from a psychic sensitivity to nature.
Innate capability Forge; Sylar
Ability to naturally have skills and/or knowledge typically earned through learning.
Omni-linguism Cypher; Wonder Woman; Glorificus
Ability to understand any form of language, a natural polyglot. This can be accomplished in various ways.
Omniscience Infinity; Mageddon;[88] Living Tribunal Omniscience
Ability to know anything and everything.
Superhuman intelligence Leader; Brainiac[89]
Intelligence far above that of a genius level.
Superhuman tracking Dawnstar;[90] Molly Walker[91]
Ability to track an individual or object through supernatural means; sometimes referred to as "pathfinding."


The abilities of extra-sensory perception (ESP) and communication.

Type Examples See also
Astral projection Rachel Summers; Rose Wilson; Prue Halliwell; Emma Frost Astral projection
Also known as astral travel, this is the ability to separate and control one's astral body.
Mental projection Morpheus; Ichigo Kurosaki; The Sentry Mental projection
Ability to project one's consciousness/psyche/emotions into the astral plane, into another, or to make them real.
Cross-dimensional awareness Deadpool; Ambush Bug
Ability to detect actions and events in other dimensions. This is occasionally used in comics as an awareness of the fourth wall between the characters and the artist or audience.
Empathy Empath; Raven;[92] Belldandy;[93] Will Vandom Empathy
Ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others.
Mediumship Wicked; Melinda Gordon; Miles Straume
Ability to see and communicate with the dead (i.e., ghosts).
Precognition Destiny;[94] Nura Nal; Phoebe Halliwell;[95] Angela Petrelli Precognition
Ability to perceive the future. It may be expressed in vague dreams while asleep, other times it can be clear and can occur at will. It may also be used as a form of "danger sense" to show the user that they are being threatened and from what direction it is coming from.
Psychometry Adrienne Frost; Jack Hawksmoor; Tuxedo Mask[96] Psychometry (paranormal)
Ability to relate details about the past or future condition of an object or location, usually by being in close contact with it.
Telepathy Exodus;[97] Saturn Girl; Piccolo[98][99][100] Telepathy
Ability to read the thoughts of, or to mentally communicate with others.

Physical or mental domination

Type Examples See also
Astral trapping Shadow King
Ability to cause an astral projection to stay on the astral plane, usually in one specific place.
Memory manipulation Professor X; Zatanna; Haitian
Ability to erase or enhance the memories of another.
Mind control Karma; Universo;[101] Lelouch Lamperouge;[102] Matt Parkman
The ability to alter the perceptions of others, and general ability to control the actions of others with the mind.
Possession Nocturne; Jericho;[103] Orochimaru;[104][105][106][107] Danny Phantom Spirit possession
Ability to take control and inhabit the body of an individual.
Psionic blast Psylocke; Psimon[108]
Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, lack of consciousness, vegetative state or death after having created a psionic link into that individual's mind.
Psychic weapons Danielle Moonstar; Wild Thing
Ability to create a weapon of psychic energy that can harm mentally and not physically.

Physics or reality manipulation

These powers may be manifested by various methods, including: by some method of molecular control; by access to, or partially or fully shifting to another dimension; by manipulating the geometric dimensions of time or space; or by some other unnamed method.

Type Examples See also
Animation Selene; Ozymandias; Giorno Giovana
Ability to bring inanimate objects to life or to free an individual from petrification.
Darkness or shadow manipulation Black Death; Shade;[109] Wraith; Shikamaru Nara[110]
Ability to create or manipulate darkness, often by mentally accessing a dimension of dark energy (the Darkforce dimension in Marvel Comics, and the Shadowlands in DC Comics) and manipulating it.
Density control Vision; Martian Manhunter
Ability to increase or decrease the natural density of an object and/or one's self.
Disintegration Wither; Plasmus[111]
Ability to disintegrate matter through touch or through beams.
Elemental transmutation Alchemy;[112] Metamorpho;[113] Edward Elric[114] Transmutation
The ability to alter chemical elements, changing them from one substance to another by rearranging the atomic structure. May be limited to self-transmutation.
Gravity manipulation Alex Power;[115] Geo-Force[116]
Ability to manipulate or generate gravitons, or other types of gravitational interactions.
Immortality Mephisto; Vandal Savage;[117] Adam Monroe;[118][119] Alucard;[120] Immortality
Ability to live forever. This may be complete immortality encompassing invulnerability, partial invulnerability to all but specific events (i.e., decapitation or exposure to a specific chemical such as kryptonite), or simply an inability to age normally.
Intangibility or phasing Kitty Pryde; Phantom Girl;[121] D. L. Hawkins
Ability to phase through solid matter without harm.
Light manipulation Northstar; Doctor Light;[83] Angelus
Ability to control, generate or absorb light particles.
Magnetism manipulation Magneto; Doctor Polaris[122]
Ability to control and/or generate magnetic fields.
Mass manipulation Harry Leland; Thom Kallor[123]
Ability to increase or decrease mass in an object.
Microwave manipulation Firestar Microwave
The ability to convert ambient electromagnetic energy into microwaves and manipulate it into various effects such as heat, light, and radiation.
Molecular manipulation Apocalypse;[124] Firestorm;[125] Solar; Piper Halliwell
Ability to mentally manipulate the molecules of objects and/or one's self on a molecular level.
Probability manipulation Longshot; Calamity King Probability
Ability to alter probability, causing unlikely things to happen or likely things not to happen.
Radiation manipulation X-Ray; Captain Atom
Ability to generate, manipulate or have immunity to toxic radiation.
Reality warping Franklin Richards; Mister Mxyzptlk Reality warping
Ability to change or manipulate reality itself.
Resurrection Immortal Man; Resurrection Man;[126] The Doctor
Ability to come back to life after being killed.
Sound manipulation Klaw; Fiddler
Ability to manipulate sound.
Time manipulation Tempo; Zoom; Hiro Nakamura; Dio Brando;
Ability to affect the flow of time by slowing, accelerating, reversing, or stopping it.

Elemental, weather and environmental powers

Ability to control or manipulate the elements.

Type Examples See also
Air and wind manipulation Wind Dancer; Red Tornado;[127] Aang
Ability to control, generate, or absorb air or wind.
Cold and ice manipulation Iceman; Killer Frost; Tōshirō Hitsugaya;[128] Frozone
Ability to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, can be used to control, generate, or absorb ice.
Earth manipulation Petra; Sandy Hawkins; Gaara;[129][130] Toph Bei Fong
Ability to control earth; sand, stone, rock, lava, dirt, or other minerals.
Electric manipulation Electro;[131] Black Lightning; Sailor Jupiter;[132] Elle Bishop
Ability to control, generate or absorb electric fields.
Fire and heat manipulation Pyro; Fire;[133] Sailor Mars;[134] Azula Pyrokinesis
Ability to control the kinetic energy of atoms to generate, control or absorb fire.
Plant manipulation Klara Prast;[135][136] Floronic Man;[137] Briar Moss;Poison Ivy
Ability to control, manipulate or animate plant life.
Water and moisture manipulation Garth;[138] Sailor Mercury;[139] Katara[140]
Ability to control, generate or absorb water.
Weather manipulation Thor; Weather Wizard;[141] Sarah Rainmaker; Trisana Chandler;Storm Weather control
Ability to control or mentally affect the weather. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena (rain, tornadoes, lightning, ocean currents, etc.) or control the intensity of the weather.

Energy manipulation

These powers deal with energy generation, conversion and manipulation. In addition to generic energy, versions of these powers exist that deal with such things as light, sound, electricity, nuclear energy, and the Darkforce dimension.

Type Examples See also
Concussion beams Cyclops; Gunfire[142]
Ability to generate or transform various forms of energy into a "solid" or concussive beam of energy.
Energy blasts Havok; Starfire;[143] Vegeta
Ability to expel various forms of energy from the body.
Energy constructs Cerise; Jade; Uryū Ishida
Ability to create complex shapes (such as giant boxing gloves or cages) or even functional machinery (such as fire extinguishers or laser rifles) out of solid energy.
Energy conversion Dazzler; Wildfire
Ability to absorb one form of energy and convert it into another form of energy.
Force field generation Unus the Untouchable; Argent;[144] Orihime Inoue;[145] Wyatt Halliwell; Violet Parr Force field
Ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy.

Transportation or travel

Type Examples See also
Electrical transportation Electro; Atom;[146] Livewire[147]
Ability to travel through electrical conduits (such as power lines or telephone lines). Can enter through devices such as televisions, electrical poles or computers.
Omnipresence Eternity; Living Tribunal
Ability to be present anywhere and everywhere simultaneously.
Portal creation Spot; Gates[148] Portal (fiction)
Ability to create wormholes, portation "discs" or other spatial portals for transport between two non-adjacent locations.
Summoning Magik; Kid Eternity[149] Jiraiya[150][151] Conjuration
Magic satchel
Ability to summon beings or objects for assistance. This may range from invoking simple implements to mighty familiar spirits.
Superhuman speed Quicksilver;[152] Flash;[153] Seta Sōjirō;[154] Sonic the Hedgehog;[155][156][157] Speedster (fiction)
Ability to move at speeds much faster than a normal human.
Teleportation Nightcrawler; Misfit;[158] Son Goku;[159] Void Teleportation
Ability to move from one place to another without occupying the space in between.
Time travel Trevor Fitzroy; Time Trapper;[160] Hiro Nakamura Time travel
Ability to travel back or forth through time.


The following powers could be manifested in any number of ways.


Ability to lift off the ground, to ride air currents or to fly self-propelled through the air.

Energy propulsion
Type Examples
Cosmic energy control Ikaris
Energy aura projection Sunfire; Halo
Gravitational manipulation Gravity
Magnetic levitation Polaris; Static
Molecular manipulation Kitty Pryde, Dead Girl; Doctor Manhattan[161]
Sonic repulsion field Banshee; Tyroc
Telekinetic power Vance Astrovik; Sapphire
Thermo-chemical energy Cannonball; Jetstream
Physical propulsion
Type Examples
Insectoid form Wasp; Insect Queen[162]
Wind current control Cyclone; Red Tornado
Wings Warren Worthington III; Northwind;[163] Rouge the Bat


Ability to alter or deceive the perceptions of another. Can be sensory, a light or sound-based effect, or an alteration of mental perceptions.


Ability to change appearance or body structure.

Type Examples
Animal morphing Snowbird; Beast Boy;[166] Jake Berenson; Jacob Black
Ability to take on animal forms. May be able to take on the abilities of the altered form.
Elasticity Mister Fantastic;[46] Plastic Man;[167] Monkey D. Luffy;[168]
Ability to stretch, deform, expand or contract one's body into any form imaginable.
Inorganic Colossus; Ferro Lad[169]
Ability to transform completely into an inorganic substance while retaining organic properties.
Liquification Hydro-Man; Inque; T-1000; Tracy Strauss
Ability to turn partially or completely into a liquid.
Size shifting Henry Pym; Giganta;[116] Garganta; Maya Natsume[170]
Ability to increase or decrease one's size.
Sublimation Amelia Voght; Count Dracula
Ability to transform into a gaseous, mist, or fog-like form.
Substance mimicry Absorbing Man; Amazing-Man[171]
Ability to transform into any substance touched.

See also


  1. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 150. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  2. ^ All-American Comics #16.
  3. ^ "X-Men - Marvel Universe: The definitive online source for super hero bios.". Retrieved 2009-01-27. 
  4. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 60. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  5. ^ Nexus #1.
  6. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 254. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  7. ^ The Authority vol. 5 #1.
  8. ^ The Immortal Iron Fist #1;
  9. ^ Dragon Ball manga, volume 10, chapter ?
  10. ^ Strange Tales #110.
  11. ^ More Fun Comics #55.
  12. ^ Superman #30.
  13. ^ The Origin of Mister Mxyzptlk
  14. ^ Fantastic Four #11.
  15. ^
  16. ^ Marvel Spotlight #28.
  17. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 319. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  18. ^ Deadpool: The Circle Chase #2.
  19. ^ Adventures of Superman #500.
  20. ^ The Drummer #3.
  21. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 199. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  22. ^ X-Treme X-Men #14.
  23. ^ Stormwatch #1.
  24. ^ Marvel Super Heroes (2nd series) #11.
  25. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). Naruto Character Official Data Book Hiden Sha no Sho. Shueisha. p. 133. ISBN 978-4-08-874247-2. 
  26. ^ X-Men: The 198 #5.
  27. ^ New X-Men #46.
  28. ^ Uncanny X-Men #148.
  29. ^ Wolverine (3rd series) #43.
  30. ^ Omega Men #3.
  31. ^ X-Statix #2.
  32. ^ Savage Tales #1.
  33. ^ Strange Adventures #180.
  34. ^ Action Comics #521.
  35. ^ Animal Man #48-50.
  36. ^ New Mutants, vol. 2, #39.
  37. ^ Terror Inc. #1-5.
  38. ^ X-Men Prime.
  39. ^ X-Factor #121.
  40. ^ Giant Size Fantastic Four #4.
  41. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2003). "Chapter 1". Naruto, Volume 1. Viz Media. ISBN 1-56931-900-6. 
  42. ^ Alpha Flight #12.
  43. ^ X-Factor, vol. 3, #2.
  44. ^ Daredevil #1.
  45. ^ Detective Comics #400.
  46. ^ a b The Fantastic Four, vol. 1, #1.
  47. ^ Action Comics, #267.
  48. ^ Pokédex: A MEW is said to possess the genes of all POKéMON. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people. Game Freak. Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-03-17)
  49. ^ Avengers: The Initiative #13.
  50. ^ Action Comics #252.
  51. ^ Brit (one-shot).
  52. ^ Thrilling Comics #1.
  53. ^ X-Factor, Annual #8.
  54. ^ Uncanny X-Men #131.
  55. ^ Adventure Comics #303.
  56. ^ Uncanny X-Men #298.
  57. ^ Showcase #66.
  58. ^ "469 A Faint Hope" (in Japanese). Farewell, Pride-filled Warrior. Dragon Ball. 39. Shueisha. December 7, 1994. ISBN 4-08-851498-X. 
  59. ^ "488 Trunks and Goten Enter the Room of Time and Mind" (in Japanese). Do Your Best, Super Gotenks-kun. Dragon Ball. 41. Shueisha. June 7, 1995. ISBN 4-08-851500-5. 
  60. ^ New X-Men: Academy X, #15.
  61. ^ Justice League Europe #6.
  62. ^ White Tiger #6.
  63. ^ Legends of the Dark Knight #43.
  64. ^ Adventure Comics #310.
  65. ^ X-Treme X-Men #9
  66. ^ Captain Marvel #34.
  67. ^ Damage #1.
  68. ^ X-Men #28 (January 1967)
  69. ^ Justice League of America #219.
  70. ^ Avengers #286 (May 1988)
  71. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 300. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  72. ^ Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #1.
  73. ^ All-American Comics #61.
  74. ^ Newsletter #14.
  75. ^ Dragon Ball Z manga, vol. 20, chapter 233. ISBN 1-59116-808-2.
  76. ^ Amazing Adventures, vol. 2, #11.
  77. ^ The Incredible Hulk, vol. 1, #1.
  78. ^ Legion of Super-Heroes #272.
  79. ^ WildC.A.T.s, vol. 1, #11
  80. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 265". Naruto, Volume 30. Viz Media. ISBN 4-08-873881-9. 
  81. ^ Uncanny X-Men #504
  82. ^ OHOTMU: Daredevil 2004
  83. ^ a b Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 94. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  84. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 210. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  85. ^ "Sonic Channel". Archived from the original on 2006-12-31. Retrieved 2007-01-08. 
  86. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 18. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  87. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 297. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  88. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 191. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  89. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 55. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  90. ^ Superboy [and the Legion of Super-Heroes] #226 (April 1977)
  91. ^ "How to Stop an Exploding Man". Director: Allan Arkush, Writer: Tim Kring. Heroes. NBC. 2007-05-21.
  92. ^ DC Comics Presents #26.
  93. ^ Perper, Timothy; Cornog, Martha (2002). "Eroticism for the Masses: Japanese Manga Comics and the Assimilation into the U.S.". Sexuality & Culture 6: page 66. 
  94. ^ Uncanny X-Men #141 (Jan 1981)
  95. ^ "Love Hurts". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 1999-05-19.
  96. ^ As in Sailor Moon manga, act 14.
  97. ^ X-Men: Legacy #210.
  98. ^ Dragon Ball manga, vol. 16, chapter 181, page 9. ISBN 1-59116-457-5.
  99. ^ Dragon Ball Z manga, vol. 13, chapter 152, page 126. ISBN 1-56931-986-3.
  100. ^ Dragon Ball Z manga, vol. 25, chapter 295, page 51. ISBN 1-4215-0404-9.
  101. ^ Legion/Titans: Universe Ablaze #1-4.
  102. ^ "The Day a New Demon was Born". Code Geass. No. 1, season 1.
  103. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 159. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  104. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 344". Naruto, Volume 38. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874364-6. 
  105. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 345". Naruto, Volume 38. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874364-6. 
  106. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 121". Naruto, Volume 14. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1088-X. 
  107. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 237". Naruto, Volume 27. Viz Media. p. 34. ISBN 1-4215-1863-5. 
  108. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 247. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  109. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 272. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  110. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2002). NARUTO―ナルト―[秘伝・臨の書]. Shueisha. p. 171. ISBN 4-08873-288-X. 
  111. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 241. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  112. ^ X-Factor, vol. 1, #41 (June 1989).
  113. ^ The Brave and the Bold #57.
  114. ^ Arakawa, Hiromu (2005). "Chapter 29". Fullmetal Alchemist, Volume 7. Viz Media. p. 166. ISBN 978-1-4215-0458-2. 
  115. ^ Power Pack #1.
  116. ^ a b Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 125. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  117. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 322. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  118. ^ "Exclusive: Tim Kring Explains Heroes' "Generations" Finale". TV Guide. Retrieved 2007-12-04. 
  119. ^ "Kristin Dos Santos". E! Online - Watch with Kristin. 2007-10-09. Retrieved 2007-10-24. 
  120. ^ Hirano, Kohta (2007). Hellsing, Volume 4. Dark Horse Books/Digital Manga Publishing. p. 109. ISBN 9781593072599.
  121. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 17. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  122. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 95. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  123. ^ Adventure Comics #282 (March 1961)
  124. ^ X-Factor #6 (vol. 1, July 1986).
  125. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 113. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  126. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 257. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  127. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 256. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  128. ^ Bleach manga, chapter 234, pages 18-19.
  129. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2006). "Chapter 97". Naruto, Volume 11. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-0241-0. 
  130. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 128". Naruto, Volume 15. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-0240-2. 
  131. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #9 (Feb. 1964)
  132. ^ Takeuchi, Naoko (September 22, 2003). "Act 5". Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Shinsouban Volume 1. Kodansha. ISBN 4-06-334776-1. 
  133. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 111. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  134. ^ Takeuchi, Naoko (September 22, 2003). "Act 3". Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Shinsouban Volume 1. Kodansha. ISBN 4-06-334776-1. 
  135. ^ Runaways, vol. 2, #28.
  136. ^ Runaways, vol. 2, #29.
  137. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 116. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  138. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 305. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  139. ^ Takeuchi, Naoko (September 22, 2003). "Act 2". Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Shinsouban Volume 1. Kodansha. ISBN 4-06-334776-1. 
  140. ^ Pittarese, Frank (2006). "Nation Exploration". Nickelodeon Magazine (Winter 2006): 2. 
  141. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 328. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  142. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 137. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  143. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 286. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  144. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 21. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  145. ^ Bleach manga, chapter 43, page 175.
  146. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 28. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  147. ^ "Livewire". Superman: The Animated Series. No. 18, season 2.
  148. ^ Legion of Super-Heroes volume 4 #66.
  149. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 169. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  150. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2006). "Chapter 92". Naruto, Volume 11. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-0241-0. 
  151. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 148". Naruto, Volume 17. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1652-7. 
  152. ^ X-Factor: The Quick and The Dead #1 (July 2008).
  153. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 114. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  154. ^ Watsuki, Nobuhiro (2005). "Chapter 133". Rurouni Kenshin, Volume 16. Viz Media. ISBN 1-59116-854-6. 
  155. ^ Sonic Team. "Sonic's official character profile". Sega of Japan. Retrieved 2006-04-12. 
  156. ^ Sega (1997). Sonic Jam, Sega Saturn. Sonic World's Character Profiles (in English)
  157. ^ Matte, Jared. "Sonic Encyclopaedia: Sonic the Hedgehog". The GHZ. Retrieved 2006-02-17. 
  158. ^ Birds of Prey #1003.
  159. ^ Dragon Ball Z manga, vol. 12, chapter 142. ISBN 1-56931-985-5.
  160. ^ Adventure Comics #318 (March 1964)
  161. ^ Watchmen #1 (1986)
  162. ^ Adventure Comics #355 (April 1967)
  163. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 223. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  164. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 194. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  165. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 360". Naruto, Volume 40. Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-874432-2. 
  166. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 37. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  167. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 242. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 
  168. ^ "Anime Review: One Piece Season 1 Part 2". Firefox News. Retrieved 2008-11-10. 
  169. ^ Adventure Comics #346 (July 1966)
  170. ^ Tenjho Tenge manga, vol. 1, chapter 1, page 15. ISBN 14-01205607.
  171. ^ Jimenez, Phil (2004). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. DK Pub. p. 12. ISBN 0-7566-0592-X. 

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